I'm amazed I'd not heard of this. Three Minneapolis suburbs offer courses and recreational activity for persons with disabilities. The fee for non-residents is said to be only slightly higher than the resident fee.
Adaptive Recreation and Learning ExchangeThe 17 page winter catalog (PDF on site) includes ski lessons (GACK! We'd have done that!).
The Cities and school districts of Edina, Eden Prairie, Bloomington and Richfield work together to provide recreation and education for people with disabilities. This cooperative is known as the Adaptive Recreation & Learning Exchange (AR&LE).
Together with the American Special Hockey Association the ARLE is now launching a MN Special Hockey program (first in the state) for ages 3 and older with a $60 fee for residents and non-residents. The program starts after regular hockey is over, it will run from March 5th 2006 to April 9th on Sunday evenings from 5:30-6:30 pm (952-826-0433).
The hockey program is not yet on the main web site. Email me (jfaughnan@spamcop.net) prior to 2/24 for a PDF of the flyer. A JPG scan (will print oddly, click on it for larger view) is below. The initial location is the Richfield Ice Arena 636 East 66th Street.

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